Officially, the Foundation has started its work on 12th November 2020, it identified its 3 main programs during this short period of time and it can already show results in all 3 programs.
More farmers program
These new production locations have joined the program of the Foundation: Ópusztaszer, Nagybajom, Demjén, Hajdúhadház, Nagyréde and Kerekegyháza
6 new chemical-free, local and sustainable production locations were created.
More knowledge program
The development of the tutorial series has started.
More chances program
From the production location of Harta a total of 1000 kg vegetables and 1700 eggs were donated to charity, achieving the annual target of the Foundation. The donations were delivered to the following 2 organizations: Zirzen Janka Gyermekotthon, Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület
More information under Activities .