Az Alapítványról

Learn more about the Foundation

Divided into 3 sections to make it easier to navigate.


Making something better by connecting the dots.

Making collaborations for a sustainable world

This is the mission of the MyFarm Farmer Foundation.

At the beginning, The Foundation identified 3 new cooperation programs, all of which are important steps towards sustainability.

For the farmers

Connecting the urban residents with those rural farmers, who are dedicated and produce sustainably, but unable to find their market.

For health

Connecting the health experts with the people, who want to live sustainably

and healthy.

For the people in need

Connecting the people who want to help others with those children and people in need living in Hungary, who starve every day.

You might have heard of us.

Conventionally procuded food or chemical-free? The MyFarm showed that the difference is indescribeable.

BBC goodfood

It connects digitalization with tradition.

WONS magazine

MyFarm creates communities.

Highlights Of Hungary

Dedicated to sustainability every day.

Watch our introduction video to find out more about the mission of the MyFarm Foundation. Video coming in 2022.


From the idea until today.

Every great change starts with a little step.

The MyFarm Farmer Foundation was founded by Gábor Kövesdi in November 2020, in order to create new collaborations for a more sustainable world. For this mission, first we set a goal to create new chemical-free production locations, to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyle and to help others in need.

Recent achivements

  • 1500 kg vegetables donated to people in need

    2021. 20th December

  • 6 new domestic production locations

    2020. 30th November

  • Development of tutorial series has started

    2020. 23rd November

More information under Activities .

Short summaries

The beginning

The beginning

The MyFarm Farmer Foundation developed from the MyFarm Harta startup.
MyFarm Harta is a community garden, where you can subscribe for chemical-free vegetable baskets.
We realized during practice, that although there would be a huge demand for the sustainable crops, sustainable farming did not spread in our country due to either the lack of knowledge of the farmers or the magnitude of the risk.
The idea of this Foundation was basically to solve this practical problem, to help spread the chemical-free and local production.
This fund has expanded with further cooperation goals over time, so the mission of the MyFarm Farmer Foundation can be defined now that it wants to create new collaborations in order to achieve a sustainable world.

More information under Activities .



Officially, the Foundation has started its work on 12th November 2020, it identified its 3 main programs during this short period of time and it can already show results in all 3 programs.

More farmers program

These new production locations have joined the program of the Foundation: Ópusztaszer, Nagybajom, Demjén, Hajdúhadház, Nagyréde and Kerekegyháza
6 new chemical-free, local and sustainable production locations were created.

More knowledge program

The development of the tutorial series has started.

More chances program

From the production location of Harta a total of 1000 kg vegetables and 1700 eggs were donated to charity, achieving the annual target of the Foundation. The donations were delivered to the following 2 organizations: Zirzen Janka Gyermekotthon, Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület

More information under Activities .

A 2021-as év



Az Alapítvány sikeresen zárta az évet a “Több termelő program” első gazdáival, közel 500 családot kiszolgálva vegyszermentes zöldségekkel a szezon folyamán.


Több termelő program


A program pilot éve sikeresen zárult, közel 500 családot kiszolgálva vegyszermentes zöldségekkel. Egy kert nem tudta vállalni a továbbiakban a programban való részvételt, de a helyét egy másik lelkes gazda vette át. A programba való pályázási lehetőség várhatólag 2022 nyarán újra megnyílik.


Több tudás program


Számos napi fenntarthatósággal foglalkozó MyFarm cikk és videó született, amelyeket az Alapítvány a közösségi média felületén népszerűsített.


Több esély program


A 6 termelőpont az év során közel 1500 kilogramm vegyszermentes zöldséget és 10 ezer tojást jutatott el a MyFarm Partner segélyszervezeteinek.


További információ a Tevékenységek menüpontban.

More information under Activities .


Because fighting for a good cause is worth in a team.

Our supporters

All the supporters of the Foundation are considered to be a part of our team and we are grateful for them.
You can find the list of our supporters and media partners under Contact .


Sára Kövesdi-Boza




László Bárdkai



Képernyőfotó 2021-01-21 - 15.01.19

Gábor Kövesdi


Strategy, communication, marketing

Képernyőfotó 2021-01-22 - 0.25

Tamás Lisztmaier

Board member


Képernyőfotó 2021-01-21 - 15.08.10

Attila Hürkecz

Board member

Economic affairs,
legal framework, processes

IMG_5431 2 másolat

jr. László Bárdkai

Board member

Creative processes,


Dávid Vatai

Board member

Online marketing,
creative campaings

Képernyőfotó 2021-01-21 - 15.37.23

Sándor Péter Kövesdi

Board member

Farmer in Harta,
professional support

This fight can only be won with heroes.

MyFarm Heroes Club

Support the Foundation and enjoy the club's benefits through the month.